CMMSS CSEC Exam Fee Calculator
Select Your Subjects
Subjects Selected

  • Please select your subjects by clicking in the checkboxes to the left of the subject names

  • Click the Calculate Fees button to display your total fee and related subject information

Please note, the government will pay your English A and Maths Subject and SBA fees. As such, the amounts for these two subjects have been removed from the total displayed below.

Selection Results
Total Fees
Number of Subjects
Number of SBAs
Number of Practicals
Number of Orals
Fee Structure
Entry Fee
Local Fee
Subject Fee
Administrative Fee
Practical Fee
Oral Fee

Explanatory Notes On Fees
Every canditate who registers pays the Entry Fee and Local Fee once. Then for each subject registered, the Subject Fee will be applied.

In addition to the Subject Fee, most subjects incur an Administrative Fee (previously called an SBA Fee). Along with those two fees, some subjects require a Practical Fee. The foreign language subjects have no SBA or Practical Fee applied but an Oral Fee has to be paid for them.

The fee types for the 26 subjects offered by CMMSS are listed below:

Subjects With Administrative (SBA) Fees
All subjects except French & Spanish

Subjects With Practical Fees
(1) EDPM (2) Food, Nutrition & Health (3) Music (4) Physical Education & Sport (5) Textiles, Clothing & Fashion (6) Theatre Arts

Subjects With Oral Fees
(1) French (2) Spanish