A very warm welcome to all to the new 2021-2020 academic year. Those who are returning, welcome back and to the form ones and new teachers, we hereby extend a warm and cordial Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School (CMMSS) welcome ➾
Category: News
Please Support Donald’s Fund-Raising Barbecue
Our past student, Donald Joseph was involved in a serious vehicular accident recently and is in need of urgent medical treatment. A barbecue has thus been organised to raise funds to pay for his medical care. The event shall be ➾
February Closure Distributed Lesson Delivery Schedule
CMMSS January 2021 Temporary Closure Delivery Plan – Students Information
In light of the latest COVID-19 related closure (from Friday 22nd January for 10 day, for students not writing CSEC exams – forms 1-4), our school will be reverting to the online lesson delivery mode once again. Please click on ➾
Message From The Principal
As we commence yet another term, we want you to know that we are ready to welcome your children, our students. Our goal is to keep them safe whilst in our care and to provide them with as much support ➾
District 5 Counselling Support
We are living in trying times and thus some friendly advice, guidance and emotional support can go a long way in helping us face the difficulties which may confront us. The District 5 Counsellors have recognised the importance of parents ➾
Continuous Assessment This Term
As is stands, we will not be having conventional end of term exams this terms. As such, teachers as are asked to continue to pursue all avenues at their disposal to reach as many students as possible. Students for their ➾
Guidelines For The Safe Reopening Of School – 2020 To 2021 School Year
Registration of New & Continuing Students
New Students Welcome to CMMSS :)! Registration of new students students entering Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School will be held on Friday, 24th July, 2020 between the hours of 9:00am and 1:00pm. Parents and guardians along with accompanying students, will ➾
Book List Update
Parents of students leaving form three and who will be progressing to form four with their government issued tablets, are asked to note they will NOT be required to purchase textbooks for the six (6) subjects that already have ebooks ➾