You may have been informed by your homeroom teachers that the format for our end-of-term exams has changed for this third term. In the past, there would be a designated exam period – usually three weeks towards the end of the term. During that time, there would be no scheduled lessons. However this format has changed. As per directives from the Ministry of Education, students are to remain in school till the end of the term. Consequently, in order to meet this requirement, it has been decided to schedule end-of-term exams during regular classes.
In light of this, end-of-term exams will be held from today Wednesday, 09th June 2021 until Friday, 25 June 2021. As expected, your teachers will give you sufficient notice for your individual subject exams but you need to ensure your are prepared by always attending your lessons – which as mentioned earlier, will be running concurrently with your exams – and studying constantly.
All the best in your exams!