All parents and guardians of students attending CMMSS are hereby invited to attend a parent/teacher conference to be held at the school on Thursday 29th January from 9:00 am. Parents and guardians are asked to make a special effort to ➾
Author: Website Administrator
Cricket Practice
Practice sessions to select a team to participate in this year’s inter-secondary school under-19 cricket competition have begun and take place on Mondays and Wednesday from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Students interested in joining the team and staying back ➾
CMMSS Road Race
Once again the scenic, leafy and idyllic Anse Canot road was the route used for the annual CMMSS road race5 held on Friday 16th January 201. Participation in this year’s installment was immense as usual. Students (not necessarily athletically inclined) ➾
Opening Of 2015 Sports
Last year, in addition to the usual match past and speeches (to which the students hardly listened :)) the Sports Committee introduced a fresh new concept whereby the four CMMSS sports houses namely Charles, Daniel, St. Omer and Walcott formally ➾
Grand CMMSS Gospel Concert
As part of our drive to calm the mood at the school and to get the students involved in spiritual, relevant and meaningful pursuits, a grand gospel concert was held at CMMSS on Wednesday 14th January 2015. This initiative was ➾
Website Competition
The Ministry of Education held a website competition among secondary schools on the island which ran from October to December 2014. This was to encourage schools to further develop the basic framework provided to each secondary institution and thus promote ➾
Construction Of New Block

On Friday, 21st November 2014, the sod turning ceremony to officially announce and start the long awaited project to construct a new eastern block on the current CMMSS site was held. The ceremony was attended by officials from both the ➾
Exam Packaging
Teachers are reminded that exams should be packaged and submitted to the exam centre at least one (1) day prior to the exam date. Also completed exam scripts should be collected from the centre as soon as possible.
End Of Term Exams

Now that end of term exams have started (Monday, 24th November 2014) for both lower and upper schools, all students are expected to be in full exam mode for the next couple of weeks. Exam timetables are available from the ➾
Teacher ICT Survey

All teachers (not just only those in the IT department) are kindly requested to complete the Ministry of Education Curriculum and Materials Unit (CAMDU), Information and Communications Technology (ICT) survey. In a nutshell, the questionnaire seeks to assess the current ➾