LATEST UPDATEThe deadline has been further extended to 18th December 2020. I hope all of you are alright and adhering to recommended COVID-19 guidelines to keep yourselves and those around you safe. I also hope your studies are going well. The ➾
Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School
Education: The basis for personal development
LATEST UPDATEThe deadline has been further extended to 18th December 2020. I hope all of you are alright and adhering to recommended COVID-19 guidelines to keep yourselves and those around you safe. I also hope your studies are going well. The ➾
Everyone was notified via email (and in some cases WhatsApp) two weeks ago about the Friday 04th December 2020 deadline date for the payment of CXC exams registration fees. In order to finalist the registration process, students subject list and ➾
As is stands, we will not be having conventional end of term exams this terms. As such, teachers as are asked to continue to pursue all avenues at their disposal to reach as many students as possible. Students for their ➾
Following the latest precautionary school closures, permission was granted by he Ministry of Education to teachers who wished to proceed with small group interactions for student SBAs and tutorials. However on Thursday 12 November 2020, a directive has been issued ➾
Parents of form three students were informed Thursday 22nd October 2020 was collection date for the government issued tablets. Several parents responded and made the trip to the school on that date. A others who could not be present of ➾
According to the Saint Lucia Government Gazette Vol. 189 • Issue 64 • Friday October 30, 2020: COVID-19 (Prevention and Control)(Physical Distancing) (No. 2) Order Operation of educational institutions4.—(1) An educational institution shall remain closed until the 30th day of ➾
New Students Welcome to CMMSS :)! Registration of new students students entering Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School will be held on Friday, 24th July, 2020 between the hours of 9:00am and 1:00pm. Parents and guardians along with accompanying students, will ➾