As a result of a rapid rise in the COVID cases on the island in the past few weeks, the reopening of school for the new (2021-2022) academic year has been pushed back by one week from Monday, 06th September, ➾
Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School
Education: The basis for personal development
As a result of a rapid rise in the COVID cases on the island in the past few weeks, the reopening of school for the new (2021-2022) academic year has been pushed back by one week from Monday, 06th September, ➾
Students who have been issued with tablets along with ebooks on SD Cards by the Ministry of Education (those entering forms 3, 4 and 5 students), do not normally have to purchase paper-based versions of the textbooks for which electronic ➾
Our past student, Donald Joseph was involved in a serious vehicular accident recently and is in need of urgent medical treatment. A barbecue has thus been organised to raise funds to pay for his medical care. The event shall be ➾
There may be occasions when the teacher for a particular lesson will be absent. This does NOT mean the class in question has been cancelled and you are free to wander about the school or engage in unproductive and disruptive ➾
You may have been informed by your homeroom teachers that the format for our end-of-term exams has changed for this third term. In the past, there would be a designated exam period – usually three weeks towards the end of ➾
Hello Everyone I hope all of you are alright and staying safe. You have already received notification via email and otherwise about the closure of school today due to flooding on the compound. Please note the school will remain closed tomorrow ➾